If you want to pay the least amount possible for energy, you always have to be on the lookout for new technology, especially when it comes to heating and cooling your home. It is estimated that heating and cooling accounts for more than half of the energy used in most homes. So changing out your system could save you a lot of money. Following are three new and exciting technologies in the heating and cooling industry that might just make your energy bill smaller than it’s ever been. Read More»
If you have a home office, you likely already know just how much of a challenge it can be to keep the space cool when the weather is warm outside. While you can turn up the air conditioner to reduce the heat, it can be costly when the temperature is set too low.
To make your home office more comfortable, consider the following ideas for staying cool while working.
Direct Hot Air Out of the Room Read More»
Does your home seem unseasonably warm inside? Are you wondering if a simple AC repair will work or whether you need to replace the unit? Here are some things to help you with your considerations:
Age of the unit: If your AC unit is ten years old or older, it’s probably time to replace it with a newer and more energy efficient model. Although you AC repair could still be an option, this solution will become increasingly expensive as more of your AC’s parts start to fail. Read More»
As many American families struggle to deal with the realities of an economy that is slowly recovering, finding ways to cut costs in the home is becoming increasingly important. While common solutions include cutting out some entertainment and trying to cut down on grocery bills, many home owners may not realize that the solution to some of their problems could be much more subtle.
Converting your home from an oil heating system to natural gas though a company like ConserVision Energy can have enormous benefits in both the short and long term. Read More»