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How To Deal With Iced Over AC Coils

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The evaporator coils in your AC unit are designed to handle a certain volume of air, and your fan is designed so that it pushes just the right amount of air over your coils. In some situations, such as when your air filter gets clogged, your AC unit can get starved for air. When this happens, you need to act quickly to correct the problem. What Happens when Your AC Coils Don’t Get enough Air? Read More»

Ask Your Plumber These Questions After The Job Is Done

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When you’re faced with a plumbing emergency, it’s important to call a plumber right away and stay out of his or her way until the job is done. Allowing this contractor to work quickly and uninterrupted increases the likelihood of your plumbing problem being resolved with minimal damage to your home – which can help keep the repair bill low. Once the plumber wraps up the project and is filling out your invoice, it’s beneficial to ask a series of questions that can help you better understand the issue that was just fixed, as well as limit the risk of it taking place again. Read More»

Avoiding An Air Conditioner Meltdown In The Heat Of Summer With 3 Simple Tips

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There is hardly anything more welcoming than stepping inside your house from the summer heat and being blasted with a welcome rush of cool air. Because summer can be so taxing on a central air unit, if the unit is going to fail, you can almost be willing to bet it will be in the heat of summer. If you want to make sure you get to enjoy this feeling for as long as possible with your central air conditioner, there are a few good tips that you should remember to follow through the summer that will help you avoid problems. Read More»

New Furnace? Make Sure You Guard Against Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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Getting a new furnace can be exciting. Your home will likely heat more evenly, you don’t have to be as concerned about breakdowns, and your energy bills will probably go down, too. But one thing you should pay renewed attention to when you get a new furnace is your risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Even the best HVAC technician occasionally makes mistakes, so there’s a chance that ventilation leaks or furnace manufacturing errors could cause carbon monoxide to build up in your home once you start using your new furnace. Read More»

3 Maintenance Services That Get Neglected In Homes That You May Want Done

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There are many different problems that you may have with systems in your home. You may remember to do maintenance to things like the roof and AC or Heating, but other areas often get overlooked, such as the plumbing or septic systems. You may even forget to check for problems with the electrical systems in your home. Here are some improvements that you may want to consider to protect your home: Read More»

Troubleshooting A Gas Furnace That Won't Ignite

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Few things could be as frightening as switching on your furnace on the first cold day of fall–only to find that it won’t produce any heat. Before you reach for the phone to call a professional furnace repair person, however, be aware that the problem may be simple enough to solve on your own. This article will walk you through the process of troubleshooting a gas furnace that won’t ignite. Read More»

3 Reasons You Should Change Your Air Conditioner's Filter

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There are numerous reasons why you should change your air conditioner’s air filter with some degree of frequency. Among the first things that you should learn before your first air conditioner is even installed is that your air filter should be changed on a regular basis. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn just a few reasons why you should change your air filter on a somewhat regular basis. Read More»

3 Maintenance Tasks To Help Ensure Your Ductless AC Is In Good Shape All Summer

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The spring months are a great time to start doing maintenance around your home, including maintenance to an AC unit, which will need to be carried out throughout the summer as well. Ductless air conditioners often get neglected, which can be the start of problems. They really need to have just as much maintenance done to them. Here are some maintenance tasks to ensure your ductless AC is cooling you down throughout the heat of summer: Read More»

Smelly Furnace: What Does It Mean?

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When things begin to smell around your house, it may be time to look at your furnace. A variety of unpleasant odors can signal serious issues with your heating system. So if somethings smells in your heating vents, you may need to take action. Mold If you notice a musty smell coming through your heating vents, it may be due to mold in a furnace filter or humidifier filter. Obviously, changing the furnace filter regularly is necessary to keep your furnace running efficiently, but if you have a humidifier attached to your furnace, you need to keep its filter clean as well. Read More»

3 Benefits Of Sealing Your Ducts

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If you have a central heating and cooling system in your home, you may want to consider having your ducts sealed. Duct sealing is essentially how your insulate your ducts. Here are a few of the benefits and changes you will notice in your home if you have a professional air conditioning technician seal, or insulate, all of your ducts.  #1 More Comfortable Living Environment Do you have a room in your home that always seems to be harder to heat and cool than the rest of your house? Read More»